Thursday, December 24, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
BIGFOOT: The Return ......

Kim Kedrowski told the Bemidji Pioneer Press that he captured the image of what looks like a tall, upright, possibly hairy creature sauntering along a trail that winds through his hunting land just north of the small town of Remer, Minnesota.
Kedrowski said the photo was captured at 7:20 p.m. on Oct. 24, which was an overcast, rainy day. He said they checked with neighbors and friends, and none of them said they had been in the area at the time of the photo.
To get some expert advice, Kedrowski contacted the Minnesota Bigfoot Web site and spoke with Don Sherman and Bob Olson of the Northern Minnesota Bigfoot Research Team. Sherman and Olson are not biologists, but are long-time amateur Bigfoot enthusiasts - and they think the photo may be the real deal.
Sherman visited the site of the photo, and based on a measurement of a sapling seen in the photo, the creature appears to be about 7 feet tall. Sherman said he has made plaster casts of Bigfoot imprints in this neck of the woods in the past, although he did not make any casts in connection with the Kedrowski photo.
Casey Kedrowski, Kim's brother, said that he and his brother were the only two people who knew where the camera was located. They think that the possibility of someone hoaxing them is remote. They also say that neither of them is pulling a fast one on the other.
What I find interesting about this image is the complete lack of orbs ... clearly rednecks in cheap halloween costumes are a very effective ghost deterrant.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Voodoo Spy!

Iranian-born Daniel James, 45, who was the personal interpreter to General David Richards, told the Old Bailey that he used pictures, dust, candles and seashells to cast spells protect his boss. He also said he did Tarot card readings for other personnel at the Allied HQ in Kabul to predict the future. James is alleged to have passed on secret information about Allied troop movements to the Iranians – who then passed it on to the Taliban. Giving evidence, James swore on the Bible but said he embraced all religions before telling the court how he converted to Voodoo while on his yearly trips to Cuba to research salsa in 2003. He claimed to be a priest who had recorded 10 Voodoo DVDs. James said: “I actually did black magic for General Richards praying to God to protect him from the Taliban. He explained: “Yoruba is the name of the religion. It is voodoo and black magic. I became the equivalent of a priest in the Church of England.” Corporal James told the court he ran salsa dance lessons from his Brighton club “Capital of Salsa” and dubbed himself “King of Salsa” before selling his businesses in 2005 just as he was called up to Afghanistan as a volunteer in the Territorial Army. As a dancer he regularly appeared on 1980s TV show ‘Solid Soul’ after an invitation by Jonathan Ross, who was then a television researcher, and he was a kick-boxing body builder who was one of Britain’s top three power lifters, the court heard. It is alleged James was a ‘Walter Mitty’ character who had “grandiose ideas about himself and his own self-importance”. He told the jury he agreed with allegations that when he translated for General Richards as he addressed a crowd of Afghan dignitaries he would sometimes act like a general. He said: “Well I think the audience did not understand General Richards. They were watching me and I thought I should act as a general because they are watching me. I was acting good and the public respected me.” Earlier the court heard from General Richards that often, as an quiet aside while on stage in front of an audience, he had to remind his corporal who in fact was the senior officer. James also told the court while out in Afghanistan he called himself General James after being promised promotion because his predecessor had the rank of acting Major. Before he had “could not have cared less” about his rank but was promised promotion to sergeant because it was thought to be more appropriate to his role as the general’s translator – although the promotion never materialised. It is alleged James “turned his back ” on his colleagues because he was “disenchanted” and “bitter” about the British Army because he thought it was racist for not promoting him and was a fantasist “Walter Mitty” character who revelled in the idea of being a spy. But a British Army Colonel known as ‘M’ who was Chief of Combined Intelligence told the court the implications of James’s betrayal was “extremely serious”. Assessing the alleged contact between James and an military assistant at the Iranian embassy in Kabul, he said the relationship was in its infancy but the potential damage was “immense” that could have driven a wedge between the British and its NATO allies. He said: “Information passed over time could help and assist a hostile state in its effort to conduct a tactical deployment that posed a threat to the lives of UK and NATO service personnel in Afghanistan and pose a similar threat to the interior national security of the UK.” James, of Cliff Road, Brighton, denies two breaches of the Official Secrets Act by collecting and passing on military secrets to a foreign power and wilful misconduct in public office. He was caught with two secret reports on NATO troop numbers and movements on a memory stick as he prepared to board an RAF plane back to Afghanistan along with pictures of RAF spy drones and a NATO aircraft manual, it was said. The trial continues.
Friday, December 4, 2009
MoD UFO Department Closes

Any reports made would now not be investigated or followed up as the hotline had been closed, a spokesman said.
UFO experts expressed anger at the decision.
MoD chiefs made the decision to close the £50,000 a year department, established in 1950, after deciding there was no benefit investigating sightings which were “an inappropriate use of defence resources”.
It comes after the team was moved from the MoD’s team, similar to the FBI team featured in the TV programme the X Files, was moved a year ago from the Whitehall Headquarters to the RAF Command in High Wycombe, Bucks.
After an application under the Freedom of Information Act, the MoD admitted that responding to every UFO sightings “diverts MoD resources from tasks that are relevant to Defence”.
No decision was announced and the disclosure was instead buried on its website earlier this month.
It said that in more than 50 years “no UFO report has revealed any evidence of a potential threat to the United Kingdom”.
After investigation, around 5 per cent of reports remain unexplained.
“The MOD has no opinion on the existence or otherwise of extra-terrestrial life,” the spokesman said.
“The MOD has no specific capability for identifying the nature of such sightings.
“Accordingly, and in order to make best use of Defence resources, we have decided that from the 1 December 2009 the dedicated UFO hotline answer-phone service and e-mail address will be withdrawn.”
He added: “MOD will no longer respond to reported UFO sightings or investigate them.”
Nick Pope, who ran the Ministry of Defence UFO project from 1991 to 1994, said it was “outrageous”.
“We’re leaving ourselves wide open to terrorist attacks,” he told The Sun.
The spokesman said the programme to release departmental files on UFO matters to the National Archive would continue.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Peter Jackson's Close Encounter
In London for the premiere of The Lovely Bones – a film he has directed from Alice Sebold’s story in which a murdered teenage girl gives her viewpoint from heaven – Jackson said he did not know what a real soul was like.
But he told Britain’s Channel 4 TV that while he could not swear the spirit in the movie was 100 percent accurate, he had seen a real ghost.
“It was genuine,” said Jackson, who made a 1996 ghost movie, The Frighteners – co-written with his wife Fran Walsh – starring Michael J Fox.
His sighting was in an apartment he and his wife had in Wellington’s Courtney Place opposite the St James Theatre, when they first met 20 years ago.
“I woke up one morning and there was a figure in the room, she was very scary, she had a screaming face, very accusatory, she was a lady about 50 years old,” Jackson said.
“It was terrifying actually, a very scary image and she was at the end of the bed and she glided across the room and disappeared into the wall.
“I sat in bed and thought, have I really seen that?” said Jackson.
“Then Fran came in. I told her about it and the first thing she said was: ‘was it the woman with the screaming face?”‘ he said.
“Fran had seen the same woman in the same room about two years before.”
Jackson said that when the St James Theatre was being restored a few years ago, people talked about the legend of the woman who committed suicide after being booed off the stage after a bad show in vaudeville days.
“They say she manifests herself in the theatre with a screaming face. Sometimes she’s seen – the same ghost. She needs to learn to smile a little.”
Friday, November 20, 2009
Quick ... call the Police!
The singer, who famously sang Spirits In The Material World in the 1980s, said wife Trudie Styler also witnessed the figure, standing with a child in the corner of their bedroom. Sting said he also experienced flying objects and mysterious voices in one of his homes in an interview to be played on Radio 2. He said: ''I would never have said I believe in ghosts, until I saw one - and I've seen a ghost with my own eyes.'' The musician, whose former band The Police recorded an album Ghost In The Machine, continued: ''I was in bed one night, a very old house I used to live in. And I woke up at three in the morning, bolt upright, looked into the corner of the room and thought I saw Trudie standing there with a child - our child - in her arms, staring at me. ''And I thought 'well, that's strange - why is she standing in a corner, staring at me?'. And I then reached next to me and there was Trudie, and I suddenly got this terrible chill. And she woke up and said 'Gosh, who is that?' and she saw this woman and a child in the corner of the room.'' Sting told presenter Claudia Winkleman, in an interview to be broadcast on Friday night at 10pm, that the figure simply disappeared. He added: ''A lot of things happened in that house, a lot of flying objects and voices and strange, strange things happened. ''When you live in old houses you get this energy there. Intellectually, no I don't believe in them (ghosts), but I've experienced them on an emotional level.''
Friday, November 13, 2009

Prices starting at only €175pps including the following:
• 2 nights luxury accommodation in Kinnitty Castle Hotel with breakfast each morning
• Dinner both evenings in the Monks Kitchen situated in the Castle's Haunted Dungeons
• Traditional Music Session in Dungeon Bar
• Stories and chat with special guest Richard Felix
• Midnight Séance
• Tour of 3 of Ireland's Most Haunted Castles
• Overnight Paranormal Investigation of Kinnitty Castle
• Guided historical tour of the Slieve Bloom Mountains
Limited Places
Call 057 913 37318 to book
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Upgrade your room from only €10pps per night.
Monday, October 19, 2009

All seems to be going well for the 2009 Dublin Paranormal Convention and with less than 3 weeks to go I really dont want any hiccups!
Cant say I regret moving into Dublin City Centre to the Radisson Blu Hotel either. Sure Clontarf had character but the Radisson isnt exactly lacking and the facilities are pretty impressive. Nice to know we wont have to worry about power points and internet connections.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
New Footage: Irish Lake Monster!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
GhostHunting at Wicklow Gaol
The PIGs (Paranormal Investigation Guys) are taking over the running of the monthly Paranormal Investigations at the historic Wicklow Gaol. Here are some details and photos:
Wicklow Gaol: Friday, September 18, 2009 at 9:00pm
Wicklow Historic Gaol has been confirmed as one of the most Haunted locations in the Ireland verifying the testimonials of the Gaol’s staff and visitors who have experienced phenomena that defy logical explanation. This is a unique opportunity to stay after the doors have closed and the living have abandoned the Gaol. Join the Paranormal Investigation Guys (PIGs) as they take you through accounts of unexplained activity and learn what it takes to be a Paranormal Investigator. You will not be a spectator! This is not just a tour of one of Ireland's scariest locations, this is a genuine Paranormal Investigation.... and you will be taking part! Please note that all enquiries and bookings must be made through the Gaol directly at the details below.
Friday, September 18, 2009 at 9:00pm
Price: €50
Location: Wicklow Gaol City, Wicklow, Ireland
Phone: 040461599

Friday, September 11, 2009
Genuine Apology
While migrating my emails to a new machine I managed to merge a large % of my contacts, both personal and professional, into a mega-mailing list. Even at that I wasnt meant to send it which is evident by the subject line which is months out of date.
I've understandably received some negative feedback for this and have issued apology emails. Some people will remain angry but I just wanted to take this chance to apologies to those here who may have received the mail and guarantee that this was a once off mistake which will not be repeated.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Paranormal Investigations Vs GhostHunting
That said I do distinguish between an Investigation and a GhostHunt:
Paranormal Investigation: For me this is when a group of people go to a location which has specific reports of activity. So you're investigation the (claims of) activity.
GhostHunt: This is usually where you decided to check out a place because it looks spooky or because there is a history to the place (i.e. a site of a battle etc). Sure theres no activity to investigate but it can be worthwhile. Its a good way to try out new ideas or procedures and at the end of the day if you walk away with nothing you can just write it off.
Anyway thats been in my head for a bit and a recent conversation about why people bother checking out places that have no reports of activity made me want to put it out there. Its not like I'm saying thats how they should be defined, thats just how it works for me.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Nowt as strange as folk ...

Friday, June 19, 2009
Going Home - The Reunion CD is by Tom Coltan, a great guy and President of the Spiritualist Union of Ireland. Here's what he says about it:

You can get the CD from Tom's site Grá agus Solas.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Where or Who would you haunt?

I suspect alot of guys will say a women's changing room because well ... men are predicable!
For me though I'd want somewhere with a decent amount of human traffic, somewhere that isn't gonna be knocked down anytime soon or get abandoned.
So I'd go with Merchants Arch in Temple Bar, Dublin.
I wouldnt choose to haunt a person because when they die I'd have alot of explaining to do.
Sunday = Church

Something changed recently though ... Ireland finally got a Spiritualist Church thanks to the Spiritualist Union of Ireland!
I have to say I've enjoyed it and am off there again tonight. I can't make it every week because its not easy with 2 young kids but I genuinely feel its making a difference to me. At the very least its a chance to meet up with friends I dont normally get to see on a regular basis.
Anyway I'll see how it goes later and let you know how it went.
*I made the logo based on a drawing by Rob Wright.
You can listen in live HERE.
Show starts at 10pm.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Please dont stalk me ....

Anyway thats where I work, or rather where I work for now because at the end of this month I'm out of a job. Yes its a terrible thing but as longa s I can look at it as a new beginning I should be ok. Me, my wife, my daughter, my son, my cat and my mortgage.
So many things I want to do, so many ideas sitting in a waiting room in the back of my head.
Oh yeah, and the screen grab above is from the New Meteor Mobile Broadband to go TV advert. Thats scene is filmed outside my office in Dublin's Temple Bar.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Paranormal Magazine

For those who've been reading Fortean Times for a while I suggest you checking out for an alternative.
Friday, February 27, 2009
F**k it!
Saying ‘Fuck It’ is like massage for the mind –
Relaxing you, releasing tension, giving up on things that aren’t working.
John C. Parkin argues that saying Fuck It is a spiritual act:
That it is the perfect western expression of the eastern ideas of letting go, giving up and finding real freedom by realising that things don’t matter so much (if at all).
This is The Fuck It Way.
It works very simply: if you’re feeling stressed about something, say Fuck It… you feel instantly better.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
A night in Jail
Spent a great night in Wicklow Gaol with the rest of the PIGs (+2). Hadnt been there for a while and its somewhere we are very comfortable working. Sure it was cold but we know the layout very well and its got power .... something we often struggle with for our equipment.
I'll post a link to the shots once I get the gallery sorted.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Walk this Way!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Feathered Wolf

Monday, January 5, 2009

Friday, January 2, 2009
Happy Medium!

Yep its music ... not something I talk about much. I love music dont get me wrong but I have never been into the latest big thing or kept up with the top of the pops.
I found Julia Nunes through Crystal's blog ages ago and have been following her youtube channel ever since. It was the first Channel I ever subscribed to and Nunes' album Left, Right, Wrong was the first album I have bought in probably a decade! Her covers on Youtube are great but you really need to check out her own stuff to get the most out of her.
Seriously, I dont suggest music often so this must be good ..... right?
Click her banner in this post to go to the Junu's Channel.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Talking about a Resolution!
Anyway, January will be a month of no bread and no potatoes - thats hell for me! But I started Wii Fit last night with my wife and hopefully that will distract me plus make it a bit of fun.
The Hypnotism is something I am very excited about and hopefully I'll get more people to practice on. Then there is the Development Circle later this month and The PIGs should be kicking ass following a long overdue meet up next week.
Apart from that I'm gonna use this year to make myself better at what I do, be that home, work or play!
Oh and I'm gonna blog ... like .... proper blog. I promise.
Happy New Year,