Sunday, June 21, 2009

Nowt as strange as folk ...

So myself and fellow PIG, Niall, joined Michelle and Gail of Bumpz to check out a new location for investigations. The Folk Park was pretty amazing and the people working there really know their stuff. Anyway apart from looking looking right some of the buildings had more to them than just a spooky atmosphere. I cant wait to get in and really check it out.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Its not something I do nearly as much as I like but I tried out a new CD last night and it was great!
Going Home - The Reunion CD is by Tom Coltan, a great guy and President of the Spiritualist Union of Ireland. Here's what he says about it:
This meditation will take you higher and higher into the spirit realm, where you will meet one of your loved ones and spend some time talking and catching up with them. It will raise your energy connection and vibration that allows us to communicate with spirit and bring you into a space of calm, a space of peace, a space of knowing and a space of being.

I'm used to giving guided meditations and can get stuck in my own way of doing things. Handing myself over to this was easy and I felt so good after it. Of course I followed it up with a midnight screening of Transformers 2 but I genuinely believe my relaxed state and heightened awareness made the movie even better :-)

You can get the CD from Tom's site Grá agus Solas.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009 - Updated

I updated with an article on Ouija Boards plus a few other bits an pieces. Enjoy.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Where or Who would you haunt?

So you're dead, and whatever way these things work you get to choose one person or place to haunt .... where/who?

I suspect alot of guys will say a women's changing room because well ... men are predicable!

For me though I'd want somewhere with a decent amount of human traffic, somewhere that isn't gonna be knocked down anytime soon or get abandoned.

So I'd go with Merchants Arch in Temple Bar, Dublin.

I wouldnt choose to haunt a person because when they die I'd have alot of explaining to do.

Sunday = Church

I was never really a church goer except for when our parents made us go. That said I'm obviously a spiritual person despite not being a traditional catholic (I'm Irish remember).

Something changed recently though ... Ireland finally got a Spiritualist Church thanks to the Spiritualist Union of Ireland!

I have to say I've enjoyed it and am off there again tonight. I can't make it every week because its not easy with 2 young kids but I genuinely feel its making a difference to me. At the very least its a chance to meet up with friends I dont normally get to see on a regular basis.

Anyway I'll see how it goes later and let you know how it went.

*I made the logo based on a drawing by Rob Wright.
Ok so on iRadio tonight they are talking about the paranormal with Michelle from Bumpz in the Nite, Danny from Leinster Paranormal and Mark from PIGs (thats me ;)).

You can listen in live HERE.

Show starts at 10pm.