The Dublin Paranormal Convention is Ireland’s largest event for those with an interest in ghosts, hauntings, ufology, the unexplained, psychic phenomenon, spirituality, mediumship, cryptozoology, paranormal investigation and much much more! Details of the 3rd Dublin Paranormal Convention are coming thick and fast now! ParaCon will take place on Saturday the 6th November 2010 at the National Leprechaun Museum (you heard right!) on Jervis Street!
Heres the Line up of speakers:
Talk: Orbs Or A Load of Balls?
Steve Parsons is considered by leading Parapsychologists & peers as perhaps the UK's foremost Psychical Researcher and Investigator. With his background in Physical Science & Medicine he has been uniquely placed to pioneer and develop new methods in modern ghost hunting techniques. Co founder of Para.Science, Steve has contributed to many TV & Radio shows including a number of documentaries for the Discovery Channel & National Geographic. He was also for a time the paranormal investigator on Most Haunted.
Talk: Psychic Criminology
Ciarán O'Keeffe is a British parapsychologist and member of the Society for Psychical Research and a consultant of the Ghost Club. He is best known for his appearances on Living TV's paranormal television series Most Haunted and Jane Goldman Investigates where he performs the role of parapsychologist and paranormal investigator. He also featured in National Geographic Channel's 2005 series Paranormal?. He is an open-minded skeptic on most paranormal phenomena.
Talk: Jack the Ripper
Talk: The Dark Sacrament: Exorcism in Modern Ireland
David Kiely was born in Dublin in 1949. He travelled extensively before settling in Northern Ireland and marrying fellow-author Christina McKenna. The co-authored "The Dark Sacrament: Exorcism in Modern Ireland" in 2006. HarperOne, San Francisco, subsequently did two American editions. David has an abiding interest in the paranormal. This was sparked when, aged 17, he had the first of many out-of-body experiences. He went on the study magic, joining a circle in Amsterdam, where he completed a Dutch translation of "The Book of the Law", supposedly transmitted by the angel Aiwass. He has recently finished a time-travel adventure set in New York and is presently working on his retelling of the legend of Faust, the medieval doctor who sold his soul to the Devil.
Talk: Remote Viewing